Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Particular Sadness of Finishing A Good Book

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake is a book by Aimee Bender, about a girl, Rose who has the ability "taste' the emotions of a person in the food they make, something that at first seems intriguing to readers. It soon becomes more of a curse to Rose as she begins to taste her mother' emotions in the food she cooks. With such a set-up as this, you would think that the rest of the book would be about Rose's escapades about her emotion tasting adventures. interestingly enough, the book more focuses on Rose's family, and how Rose sees the world as she grows up.

The writing moves smoothly between the different stages in Rose's life, and really make you feel like you are moving along with Rose and what she experiences in her everyday life, which is not much different than yours or mine.

 "A book with such beautiful writing that sometimes I have to stop and taste a sentence a second time" says Jodi Picoult, author of best seller My Sister's Keeper . I couldn't have said it better my self.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fruit's 5 Surefire Ways to Bust Boredom on YouTube

It happens to all of us.....you're on the computer, going to the same old websites, watching the same old videos.....and nothing's happening. You sit there forever, waiting for something interesting to come up. Well, here are five boredom busters from YouTube to get you out of that rut and exploring again...
1. Okgo videos.  The guys in this fabulous band know how to make music videos, and it's good music too. Here are my favorites:
This Too Shall Pass (Rupe Goldberg Machine version
White Knuckles
End Love
2. Oh maggots, this is getting maggoty. Just like Avril Levine apparently. This 60 second rant is hilarious, and mildy ridiculous.
3. Can you survive ten minutes of the afro circus? I could.  It took some extreme determination, and a few breaks while I read the comments. XD
4. If you're in the mood for some video gaming hilarity, check out the videos of Delicious Cinnamon, a group of video gaming guys who have a lot to say about the games they play...
5. The Smallest Car in the World. 'Nuff said.